rootpy.stats.histfactory: HistFactory


stats.histfactory.Data(name[, hist])
stats.histfactory.Sample(name[, hist])
stats.histfactory.HistoSys(name[, low, high])
stats.histfactory.HistoFactor(name[, low, high])
stats.histfactory.NormFactor(name[, value, …])
stats.histfactory.OverallSys(name[, low, high])
stats.histfactory.Channel(name[, samples, …])
stats.histfactory.Measurement(name[, …])


stats.histfactory.make_channel(name, samples) Create a Channel from a list of Samples
stats.histfactory.make_measurement(name, …) Create a Measurement from a list of Channels
stats.histfactory.make_workspace(measurement) Create a workspace containing the model for a measurement
stats.histfactory.measurements_from_xml(filename) Read in a list of Measurements from XML
stats.histfactory.write_measurement(measurement) Write a measurement and RooWorkspaces for all contained channels into a ROOT file and write the XML files into a directory.
stats.histfactory.patch_xml(files[, …]) Apply patches to HistFactory XML output from PrintXML
stats.histfactory.split_norm_shape(histosys, …) Split a HistoSys into normalization (OverallSys) and shape (HistoSys) components.