rootpy.plotting: Plotting


plotting.Canvas([width, height, x, y, name, …])
plotting.Pad(xlow, ylow, xup, yup[, color, …])
plotting.Hist(*args, **kwargs) Returns a 1-dimensional Hist object which inherits from the associated
plotting.Hist2D(*args, **kwargs) Returns a 2-dimensional Hist object which inherits from the associated
plotting.Hist3D(*args, **kwargs) Returns a 3-dimensional Hist object which inherits from the associated
plotting.HistStack([hists, name, title, stacked])
plotting.Graph Returns a Graph object which inherits from the associated
plotting.Graph2D Returns a Graph2D object which inherits from the associated
plotting.Profile(*args, **kwargs)
plotting.Profile2D(*args, **kwargs)
plotting.Profile3D(*args, **kwargs)
plotting.Legend(entries[, pad, leftmargin, …])


plotting.get_style(name[, mpl])
plotting.set_style(style[, mpl]) If mpl is False accept either style name or a TStyle instance.