3. Simple Integration into Existing Applications

The rootpy.ROOT module is intended to be a drop-in replacement for ordinary PyROOT imports by mimicking PyROOT’s interface. Both ROOT and rootpy classes can be accessed in a harmonized way through this module. This means you can take advantage of rootpy classes automatically by replacing import ROOT with import rootpy.ROOT as ROOT or from rootpy import ROOT in your code, while maintaining backward compatibility with existing use of ROOT’s classes.

Under rootpy.ROOT, classes are automatically “asrootpy’d” after the ROOT constructor has been called:

>>> import rootpy.ROOT as ROOT
>>> ROOT.TH1F('name', 'title', 10, 0, 1)

Access rootpy classes under rootpy.ROOT without needing to remember where to import them from in rootpy:

>>> import rootpy.ROOT as ROOT
>>> ROOT.Hist(10, 0, 1, name='name', type='F')