Copy a tree chain while overwriting branchesΒΆ

This is an example showing how to copy a tree chain while overwriting one or more of its branches with new values.

Python source code:

from rootpy.tree import Tree, TreeModel, TreeChain, FloatCol, IntCol
from import root_open
from random import gauss

This first section of code only creates an example tree chain.

class Event(TreeModel):
    """Event model definition"""
    x = FloatCol()
    y = FloatCol()
    z = FloatCol()
    i = IntCol()

# first create several example trees in separate files
fnames = ["test_{0:d}.root".format(i) for i in range(5)]

for fname in fnames:
    with root_open(fname, "recreate") as f:

        tree = Tree("test", model=Event)

        # fill the tree
        for i in range(100):
            tree.x = gauss(.5, 1.)
            tree.y = gauss(.3, 2.)
            tree.z = gauss(13., 42.)
            tree.i = i

This section below takes the example trees and copies it while overwriting a
branch with new values.

# first define the chain of trees
chain = TreeChain(name="test", files=fnames)

# Now we want to copy the tree above into a new file while overwriting a branch
# First create a new file to save the new tree in:
f_copy = root_open("test_copy.root", "recreate")

# You may not know the entire model of the original tree but only the branches
# you intend to overwrite, so I am not specifying the model=Event below as an
# example of how to deal with this in general:
tree_copy = Tree("test_copy")

# If the original tree was not handed to you through rootpy don't forget to:
# >>> from rootpy import asrootpy
# >>> tree = asrootpy(tree)

# Here we specify the buffer for the new tree to use. We use the same buffer as
# the original tree. This creates all the same branches in the new tree but
# their addresses point to the same memory used by the original tree.

# Now loop over the original tree and fill the new tree
for entry in chain:
    # Overwrite a branch value. This changes the value that will be written to
    # the new tree but leaves the value unchanged in the original tree on disk.
    entry.x = 3.141
    # "entry" is actually the buffer, which is shared between both trees.

# tree_copy is now a copy of tree where the "x" branch has been overwritten
# with new values