Source code for rootpy.tree.categories

from __future__ import absolute_import

import re

from .cut import Cut

__all__ = [

[docs]class Categories(object): """ Implements a mechanism to ease the creation of cuts that describe non-overlapping categories. """ #TODO: use pyparsing CUT_REGEX = '[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' NODE_PATTERN = re.compile( '^{(?P<variable>[^:|]+)(?::(?P<type>[IFif]))?\|' '(?P<leftchild>{.+})?(?P<cut>' + CUT_REGEX + ')' '(?P<rightchild>{.+})?}$') CATEGORY_PATTERN = re.compile( '^(?P<left>{.+})(?:x(?P<right>{.+}(?:x{.+})*))$') CATEGORY_NODE_PATTERN = re.compile( '^{(?P<variable>[^:|]+)(?::(?P<type>[IFif]))?\|' '(?P<cuts>[\*]?(?:' + CUT_REGEX + ')(?:,' + CUT_REGEX + ')*[\*]?)}$') @classmethod def from_string(cls, string, variables=None): node = None if variables is None: variables = [] nodematch = re.match(Categories.NODE_PATTERN, string) categorymatch = re.match(Categories.CATEGORY_PATTERN, string) categorynodematch = re.match(Categories.CATEGORY_NODE_PATTERN, string) if categorymatch: node = Categories.from_string('left'), variables) subtree = Categories.from_string('right'), variables) incompletenodes = node.get_incomplete_children() for child in incompletenodes: if not child.leftchild and not child.forbidleft: clone = subtree.clone() child.set_left(clone) if not child.rightchild and not child.forbidright: clone = subtree.clone() child.set_right(clone) elif categorynodematch: var_type = 'F' if'type'): var_type ='type').upper() variable = ('variable'), var_type) if variable not in variables: variables.append(variable) cuts ='cuts').split(',') if len(cuts) != len(set(cuts)): raise SyntaxError( "repeated cuts in '{0}'".format('cuts'))) if sorted(cuts) != cuts: raise SyntaxError( "cuts not in ascending order in '{0}'".format('cuts'))) nodes = [] for cut in cuts: actual_cut = cut.replace('*', '') node = Categories( feature=variables.index(variable), data=actual_cut, variables=variables) if cut.startswith('*'): node.forbidleft = True if cut.endswith('*'): node.forbidright = True nodes.append(node) node = Categories.make_balanced_tree(nodes) elif nodematch: var_type = 'F' if'type'): var_type ='type').upper() variable = ('variable'), var_type) if variable not in variables: variables.append(variable) node = Categories( feature=variables.index(variable),'cut'), variables=variables) if'leftchild'): leftchild = Categories.from_string('leftchild'), variables) node.set_left(leftchild) if'rightchild'): rightchild = Categories.from_string('rightchild'), variables) node.set_right(rightchild) else: raise SyntaxError( "{0} is not valid category tree syntax".format(string)) return node @classmethod def make_balanced_tree(cls, nodes): if len(nodes) == 0: return None if len(nodes) == 1: return nodes[0] center = len(nodes) // 2 leftnodes = nodes[:center] rightnodes = nodes[center + 1:] node = nodes[center] leftchild = Categories.make_balanced_tree(leftnodes) rightchild = Categories.make_balanced_tree(rightnodes) node.set_left(leftchild) node.set_right(rightchild) return node def __init__(self, feature, data, variables, leftchild=None, rightchild=None, parent=None, forbidleft=False, forbidright=False): self.feature = feature = data self.variables = variables self.leftchild = leftchild self.rightchild = rightchild self.parent = parent self.forbidleft = forbidleft self.forbidright = forbidright def clone(self): leftclone = None if self.leftchild is not None: leftclone = self.leftchild.clone() rightclone = None if self.rightchild is not None: rightclone = self.rightchild.clone() return Categories( self.feature,, self.variables, leftclone, rightclone, self.parent, self.forbidleft, self.forbidright) def __str__(self): leftstr = '' rightstr = '' if self.forbidleft: leftstr = '*' elif self.leftchild is not None: leftstr = str(self.leftchild) if self.forbidright: rightstr = '*' elif self.rightchild is not None: rightstr = str(self.rightchild) if self.feature >= 0: return '{{0}:{1}|{2}{3}{4}}'.format( self.variables[self.feature], leftstr, str(, rightstr) return '{<<leaf>>|{0}}'.format(str( def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def set_left(self, child): if child is self: raise ValueError("attempted to set self as left child!") self.leftchild = child if child is not None: child.parent = self def set_right(self, child): if child is self: raise ValueError("attempted to set self as right child!") self.rightchild = child if child is not None: child.parent = self def is_leaf(self): return self.leftchild is None and self.rightchild is None def is_complete(self): return self.leftchild is not None and self.rightchild is not None def depth(self): leftdepth = 0 if self.leftchild is not None: leftdepth = self.leftchild.depth() + 1 rightdepth = 0 if self.rightchild is not None: rightdepth = self.rightchild.depth() + 1 return max(leftdepth, rightdepth) def balance(self): leftdepth = 0 rightdepth = 0 if self.leftchild is not None: leftdepth = self.leftchild.depth() + 1 if self.rightchild is not None: rightdepth = self.rightchild.depth() + 1 return rightdepth - leftdepth def get_leaves(self): if self.is_leaf(): return [self] leftleaves = [] if self.leftchild is not None: leftleaves = self.leftchild.get_leaves() rightleaves = [] if self.rightchild is not None: rightleaves = self.rightchild.get_leaves() return leftleaves + rightleaves def get_incomplete_children(self): children = [] if not self.is_complete(): children.append(self) if self.leftchild is not None: children += self.leftchild.get_incomplete_children() if self.rightchild is not None: children += self.rightchild.get_incomplete_children() return children def __len__(self): """ Number of categories beneath current node """ if self.is_leaf(): total = 0 if not self.forbidleft: total += 1 if not self.forbidright: total += 1 return total total = 0 if not self.forbidleft and self.leftchild is not None: total += len(self.leftchild) if not self.forbidright and self.rightchild is not None: total += len(self.rightchild) return total def walk(self, expression=None): if expression is None: expression = Cut() if self.feature < 0: if expression: yield expression if not self.forbidleft: leftcondition = expression & Cut( '{0}<={1}'.format( self.variables[self.feature][0], if self.leftchild is not None: for condition in self.leftchild.walk(leftcondition): yield condition else: yield leftcondition if not self.forbidright: rightcondition = expression & Cut( '{0}>{1}'.format( self.variables[self.feature][0], if self.rightchild is not None: for condition in self.rightchild.walk(rightcondition): yield condition else: yield rightcondition def __iter__(self): """ Iterator over leaf conditions """ for category in self.walk(): yield category