Source code for rootpy.stats.workspace

from __future__ import absolute_import

import multiprocessing

import ROOT

from . import log; log = log[__name__]
from .. import QROOT, asrootpy
from ..extern.six import string_types
from ..base import NamedObject
from .fit import minimize

__all__ = [

NCPU = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

[docs]class Workspace(NamedObject, QROOT.RooWorkspace): _ROOT = QROOT.RooWorkspace def __call__(self, *args): """ Need to provide an alternative to RooWorkspace::import since import is a reserved word in Python and would be a syntax error. """ return getattr(super(Workspace, self), 'import')(*args) def __getitem__(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).obj(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "object named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return asrootpy(thing, warn=False) def __contains__(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).obj(name) if thing: return True return False def obj(self, name, cls=None): thing = super(Workspace, self).obj(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "object named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, thing = asrootpy(thing, warn=False) if cls is not None and not isinstance(thing, cls): raise TypeError( "object named '{0}' is not of the correct type: " "{1} does not subclass {2}".format(name, thing.__class__, cls)) return thing @property def category_functions(self): return asrootpy(self.allCatFunctions()) @property def categories(self): return asrootpy(self.allCats()) @property def datas(self): return self.allData() @property def functions(self): return asrootpy(self.allFunctions()) @property def generic_objects(self): return self.allGenericObjects() @property def pdfs(self): return asrootpy(self.allPdfs()) @property def resolution_models(self): return asrootpy(self.allResolutionModels()) @property def vars(self): return asrootpy(self.allVars()) def arg(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).arg(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooAbsArg named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return asrootpy(thing) def argset(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).argSet(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooArgSet named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return asrootpy(thing) def category(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).cat(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooCategory named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return asrootpy(thing) def category_function(self, name): # Dear RooStats, use camelCase consistently... thing = super(Workspace, self).catfunc(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooAbsCategory named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return thing def data(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).data(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooAbsData named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return asrootpy(thing) def function(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).function(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooAbsReal named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return thing def pdf(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).pdf(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooAbsPdf named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return asrootpy(thing) def set(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).set(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooArgSet named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return asrootpy(thing) def var(self, name): thing = super(Workspace, self).var(name) if thing == None: raise ValueError( "RooRealVar named '{0}' does not exist " "in the workspace '{1}'".format(name, return asrootpy(thing)
[docs] def fit(self, data='obsData', model_config='ModelConfig', param_const=None, param_values=None, param_ranges=None, poi_const=False, poi_value=None, poi_range=None, extended=False, num_cpu=1, process_strategy=0, offset=False, print_level=None, return_nll=False, **kwargs): """ Fit a pdf to data in a workspace Parameters ---------- workspace : RooWorkspace The workspace data : str or RooAbsData, optional (default='obsData') The name of the data or a RooAbsData instance. model_config : str or ModelConfig, optional (default='ModelConfig') The name of the ModelConfig in the workspace or a ModelConfig instance. param_const : dict, optional (default=None) A dict mapping parameter names to booleans setting the const state of the parameter param_values : dict, optional (default=None) A dict mapping parameter names to values param_ranges : dict, optional (default=None) A dict mapping parameter names to 2-tuples defining the ranges poi_const : bool, optional (default=False) If True, then make the parameter of interest (POI) constant poi_value : float, optional (default=None) If not None, then set the POI to this value poi_range : tuple, optional (default=None) If not None, then set the range of the POI with this 2-tuple extended : bool, optional (default=False) If True, add extended likelihood term (False by default) num_cpu : int, optional (default=1) Parallelize NLL calculation on multiple CPU cores. If negative then use all CPU cores. By default use only one CPU core. process_strategy : int, optional (default=0) **Strategy 0:** Divide events into N equal chunks. **Strategy 1:** Process event i%N in process N. Recommended for binned data with a substantial number of zero-bins, which will be distributed across processes more equitably in this strategy. **Strategy 2:** Process each component likelihood of a RooSimultaneous fully in a single process and distribute components over processes. This approach can be benificial if normalization calculation time dominates the total computation time of a component (since the normalization calculation must be performed in each process in strategies 0 and 1. However beware that if the RooSimultaneous components do not share many parameters this strategy is inefficient: as most minuit-induced likelihood calculations involve changing a single parameter, only 1 of the N processes will be active most of the time if RooSimultaneous components do not share many parameters. **Strategy 3:** Follow strategy 0 for all RooSimultaneous components, except those with less than 30 dataset entries, for which strategy 2 is followed. offset : bool, optional (default=False) Offset likelihood by initial value (so that starting value of FCN in minuit is zero). This can improve numeric stability in simultaneously fits with components with large likelihood values. print_level : int, optional (default=None) The verbosity level for the minimizer algorithm. If None (the default) then use the global default print level. If negative then all non-fatal messages will be suppressed. return_nll : bool, optional (default=False) If True then also return the RooAbsReal NLL function that was minimized. kwargs : dict, optional Remaining keyword arguments are passed to the minimize function Returns ------- result : RooFitResult The fit result. func : RooAbsReal If return_nll is True, the NLL function is also returned. See Also -------- minimize """ if isinstance(model_config, string_types): model_config = self.obj( model_config, cls=ROOT.RooStats.ModelConfig) if isinstance(data, string_types): data = pdf = model_config.GetPdf() pois = model_config.GetParametersOfInterest() if pois.getSize() > 0: poi = pois.first() poi.setConstant(poi_const) if poi_value is not None: poi.setVal(poi_value) if poi_range is not None: poi.setRange(*poi_range) if param_const is not None: for param_name, const in param_const.items(): var = self.var(param_name) var.setConstant(const) if param_values is not None: for param_name, param_value in param_values.items(): var = self.var(param_name) var.setVal(param_value) if param_ranges is not None: for param_name, param_range in param_ranges.items(): var = self.var(param_name) var.setRange(*param_range) if print_level < 0: msg_service = ROOT.RooMsgService.instance() msg_level = msg_service.globalKillBelow() msg_service.setGlobalKillBelow(ROOT.RooFit.FATAL) args = [ ROOT.RooFit.Constrain(model_config.GetNuisanceParameters()), ROOT.RooFit.GlobalObservables(model_config.GetGlobalObservables())] if extended: args.append(ROOT.RooFit.Extended(True)) if offset: args.append(ROOT.RooFit.Offset(True)) if num_cpu != 1: if num_cpu == 0: raise ValueError("num_cpu must be non-zero") if num_cpu < 0: num_cpu = NCPU args.append(ROOT.RooFit.NumCPU(num_cpu, process_strategy)) func = pdf.createNLL(data, *args) if print_level < 0: msg_service.setGlobalKillBelow(msg_level) result = minimize(func, print_level=print_level, **kwargs) if return_nll: return result, func return result