Source code for rootpy.stats.histfactory.histfactory

from __future__ import absolute_import

from math import sqrt

import ROOT

from . import log; log = log[__name__]
from . import MIN_ROOT_VERSION
from ...extern.six import string_types
from ...memory.keepalive import keepalive
from ...base import NamedObject
from ... import asrootpy, QROOT, ROOT_VERSION, ROOTError, IN_NOSETESTS

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "histfactory requires ROOT {0} but you are using {1}".format(

    HistFactory = QROOT.RooStats.HistFactory
except ROOTError:
        from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
        raise SkipTest("ROOT is not compiled with RooStats enabled")
Constraint = HistFactory.Constraint

__all__ = [

class _Named(object):

    def name(self):
        return self.GetName()

    def name(self, n):

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{0}('{1}')".format(
            self.__class__.__name__, self.GetName())

class _HistNamePathFile(object):

    def hist_name(self):
        return self.GetHistoName()

    def hist_name(self, name):

    def hist_path(self):
        return self.GetHistoPath()

    def hist_path(self, path):

    def hist_file(self):
        return self.GetInputFile()

    def hist_file(self, infile):

class _SampleBase(_Named, _HistNamePathFile):

    def SetHisto(self, hist):
        super(_SampleBase, self).SetHisto(hist)
        keepalive(self, hist)

    def GetHisto(self):
        hist = super(_SampleBase, self).GetHisto()
        # NULL pointer check
        if hist == None:
            return None
        return asrootpy(hist)

    def hist(self):
        return self.GetHisto()

    def hist(self, h):

    def __add__(self, other):
        if !=
            raise ValueError("attempting to add samples with different names")
        hist1 = self.GetHisto()
        hist2 = other.GetHisto()
        sample = self.__class__(
        if hist1 is not None and hist2 is not None:
            hist3 = hist1 + hist2
   = '{0}_plus_{1}'.format(,
        return sample

[docs]class Data(_SampleBase, HistFactory.Data): _ROOT = HistFactory.Data def __init__(self, name, hist=None): # require a name super(Data, self).__init__() = name if hist is not None: self.SetHisto(hist)
[docs] def total(self, xbin1=1, xbin2=-2): """ Return the total yield and its associated statistical uncertainty. """ return self.hist.integral(xbin1=xbin1, xbin2=xbin2, error=True)
def Clone(self): clone = Data( hist = self.hist if hist is not None: clone.hist = hist.Clone(shallow=True) return clone
[docs]class Sample(_SampleBase, HistFactory.Sample): _ROOT = HistFactory.Sample def __init__(self, name, hist=None): # require a sample name super(Sample, self).__init__(name) if hist is not None: self.SetHisto(hist) def __add__(self, other): if self.GetHistoFactorList() or other.GetHistoFactorList(): raise NotImplementedError( "Samples cannot be summed if " "they contain HistoFactors") if self.GetShapeFactorList() or other.GetShapeFactorList(): raise NotImplementedError( "Samples cannot be summed if " "they contain ShapeFactors") if self.GetShapeSysList() or other.GetShapeSysList(): raise NotImplementedError( "Samples cannot be summed if " "they contain ShapeSys") if self.GetNormalizeByTheory() != other.GetNormalizeByTheory(): raise ValueError( "attempting to sum samples with " "inconsistent NormalizeByTheory") sample = super(Sample, self).__add__(other) sample.SetNormalizeByTheory(self.GetNormalizeByTheory()) # sum the histosys syslist1 = self.GetHistoSysList() syslist2 = other.GetHistoSysList() if len(syslist1) != len(syslist2): raise ValueError( "attempting to sum Samples with HistoSys lists of " "differing lengths") for sys1, sys2 in zip(syslist1, syslist2): sample.AddHistoSys(sys1 + sys2) # include the overallsys overall1 = self.GetOverallSysList() overall2 = other.GetOverallSysList() if len(overall1) != len(overall2): raise ValueError( "attempting to sum Samples with OverallSys lists of " "differing lengths") for o1, o2 in zip(overall1, overall2): if != raise ValueError( "attempting to sum Samples containing OverallSys " "with differing names: {0}, {1}".format(, # TODO check equality of value, low and high sample.AddOverallSys(o1) # include the normfactors norms1 = self.GetNormFactorList() norms2 = other.GetNormFactorList() if len(norms1) != len(norms2): raise ValueError( "attempting to sum Samples with NormFactor lists of " "differing lengths") for norm1, norm2 in zip(norms1, norms2): if != raise ValueError( "attempting to sum Samples containing NormFactors " "with differing names: {0}, {1}".format(, # TODO check equality of value, low and high sample.AddNormFactor(norm1) return sample def __radd__(self, other): # support sum([list of Samples]) if other == 0: return self raise TypeError( "unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{0}' and '{1}'".format( other.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__)) def __mul__(self, scale): clone = self.Clone() clone *= scale return clone def __imul__(self, scale): hist = self.hist if hist is not None: hist *= scale for hsys in self.histo_sys: low = hsys.low high = hsys.high if low is not None: low *= scale if high is not None: high *= scale return self
[docs] def sys_names(self): """ Return a list of unique systematic names from OverallSys and HistoSys """ names = {} for osys in self.overall_sys: names[] = None for hsys in self.histo_sys: names[] = None return names.keys()
[docs] def iter_sys(self): """ Iterate over sys_name, overall_sys, histo_sys. overall_sys or histo_sys may be None for any given sys_name. """ names = self.sys_names() for name in names: osys = self.GetOverallSys(name) hsys = self.GetHistoSys(name) yield name, osys, hsys
[docs] def sys_hist(self, name=None): """ Return the effective low and high histogram for a given systematic. If this sample does not contain the named systematic then return the nominal histogram for both low and high variations. """ if name is None: low = self.hist.Clone(shallow=True) high = self.hist.Clone(shallow=True) return low, high osys = self.GetOverallSys(name) hsys = self.GetHistoSys(name) if osys is None: osys_high, osys_low = 1., 1. else: osys_high, osys_low = osys.high, osys.low if hsys is None: hsys_high = self.hist.Clone(shallow=True) hsys_low = self.hist.Clone(shallow=True) else: hsys_high = hsys.high.Clone(shallow=True) hsys_low = hsys.low.Clone(shallow=True) return hsys_low * osys_low, hsys_high * osys_high
def has_sys(self, name): return (self.GetOverallSys(name) is not None or self.GetHistoSys(name) is not None)
[docs] def total(self, xbin1=1, xbin2=-2): """ Return the total yield and its associated statistical and systematic uncertainties. """ integral, stat_error = self.hist.integral( xbin1=xbin1, xbin2=xbin2, error=True) # sum systematics in quadrature ups = [0] dns = [0] for sys_name in self.sys_names(): sys_low, sys_high = self.sys_hist(sys_name) up = sys_high.integral(xbin1=xbin1, xbin2=xbin2) - integral dn = sys_low.integral(xbin1=xbin1, xbin2=xbin2) - integral if up > 0: ups.append(up**2) else: dns.append(up**2) if dn > 0: ups.append(dn**2) else: dns.append(dn**2) syst_error = (sqrt(sum(ups)), sqrt(sum(dns))) return integral, stat_error, syst_error
########################### # HistoSys ########################### def AddHistoSys(self, *args): super(Sample, self).AddHistoSys(*args) if len(args) == 1: # args is a HistoSys keepalive(self, args[0]) def RemoveHistoSys(self, name): histosys_vect = super(Sample, self).GetHistoSysList() ivect = histosys_vect.begin() for histosys in histosys_vect: if histosys.GetName() == name: histosys_vect.erase(ivect) break ivect.__preinc__() def GetHistoSys(self, name): histosys_vect = super(Sample, self).GetHistoSysList() for histosys in histosys_vect: if histosys.GetName() == name: return asrootpy(histosys) return None def GetHistoSysList(self): return [asrootpy(syst) for syst in super(Sample, self).GetHistoSysList()] @property def histo_sys(self): return self.GetHistoSysList() ########################### # HistoFactor ########################### def AddHistoFactor(self, *args): super(Sample, self).AddHistoFactor(*args) if len(args) == 1: # args is a HistoFactor keepalive(self, args[0]) def RemoveHistoFactor(self, name): histofactor_vect = super(Sample, self).GetHistoFactorList() ivect = histosys_factor.begin() for histofactor in histofactor_vect: if histofactor.GetName() == name: histofactor_vect.erase(ivect) break ivect.__preinc__() def GetHistoFactor(self, name): histofactor_vect = super(Sample, self).GetHistoFactorList() for histofactor in histofactor_vect: if histofactor.GetName() == name: return asrootpy(histofactor) return None def GetHistoFactorList(self): return [asrootpy(syst) for syst in super(Sample, self).GetHistoFactorList()] @property def histo_factors(self): return self.GetHistoFactorList() ########################### # NormFactor ########################### def AddNormFactor(self, *args): super(Sample, self).AddNormFactor(*args) if len(args) == 1: # args is a NormFactor keepalive(self, args[0]) def RemoveNormFactor(self, name): normfactor_vect = super(Sample, self).GetNormFactorList() ivect = normfactor_vect.begin() for normfactor in normfactor_vect: if normfactor.GetName() == name: normfactor_vect.erase(ivect) break ivect.__preinc__() def GetNormFactor(self, name): normfactor_vect = super(Sample, self).GetNormFactorList() for normfactor in normfactor_vect: if normfactor.GetName() == name: return asrootpy(normfactor) return None def GetNormFactorList(self): return [asrootpy(norm) for norm in super(Sample, self).GetNormFactorList()] @property def norm_factors(self): return self.GetNormFactorList() ########################### # OverallSys ########################### def AddOverallSys(self, *args): super(Sample, self).AddOverallSys(*args) if len(args) == 1: # args is a OverallSys keepalive(self, args[0]) def RemoveOverallSys(self, name): overallsys_vect = super(Sample, self).GetOverallSysList() ivect = overallsys_vect.begin() for overallsys in overallsys_vect: if overallsys.GetName() == name: overallsys_vect.erase(ivect) break ivect.__preinc__() def GetOverallSys(self, name): overallsys_vect = super(Sample, self).GetOverallSysList() for overallsys in overallsys_vect: if overallsys.GetName() == name: return asrootpy(overallsys) return None def GetOverallSysList(self): return [asrootpy(syst) for syst in super(Sample, self).GetOverallSysList()] @property def overall_sys(self): return self.GetOverallSysList() ########################### # ShapeFactor ########################### def AddShapeFactor(self, shapefactor): super(Sample, self).AddShapeFactor(shapefactor) if isinstance(shapefactor, ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.ShapeFactor): keepalive(self, shapefactor) def RemoveShapeFactor(self, name): shapefactor_vect = super(Sample, self).GetShapeFactorList() ivect = shapefactor_vect.begin() for shapefactor in shapefactor_vect: if shapefactor.GetName() == name: shapefactor_vect.erase(ivect) break ivect.__preinc__() def GetShapeFactor(self, name): shapefactor_vect = super(Sample, self).GetShapeFactorList() for shapefactor in shapefactor_vect: if shapefactor.GetName() == name: return asrootpy(shapefactor) return None def GetShapeFactorList(self): return [asrootpy(sf) for sf in super(Sample, self).GetShapeFactorList()] @property def shape_factors(self): return self.GetShapeFactorList() ########################### # ShapeSys ########################### def AddShapeSys(self, *args): super(Sample, self).AddShapeSys(*args) if len(args) == 1: # args is a ShapeSys keepalive(self, args[0]) def RemoveShapeSys(self, name): shapesys_vect = super(Sample, self).GetShapeSysList() ivect = shapesys_vect.begin() for shapesys in shapesys_vect: if shapesys.GetName() == name: shapesys_vect.erase(ivect) break ivect.__preinc__() def GetShapeSys(self, name): shapesys_vect = super(Sample, self).GetShapeSysList() for shapesys in shapesys_vect: if shapesys.GetName() == name: return asrootpy(shapesys) return None def GetShapeSysList(self): return [asrootpy(ss) for ss in super(Sample, self).GetShapeSysList()] @property def shape_sys(self): return self.GetShapeSysList() def Clone(self): clone = self.__class__( hist = self.hist if hist is not None: clone.hist = hist.Clone(shallow=True) # HistoSys for hsys in self.histo_sys: clone.AddHistoSys(hsys.Clone()) # HistoFactor for hfact in self.histo_factors: clone.AddHistoFactor(hfact.Clone()) # NormFactor for norm in self.norm_factors: clone.AddNormFactor(norm.Clone()) # OverallSys for osys in self.overall_sys: clone.AddOverallSys(osys.Clone()) # ShapeFactor for sfact in self.shape_factors: clone.AddShapeFactor(sfact.Clone()) # ShapeSys for ssys in self.shape_sys: clone.AddShapeSys(ssys.Clone()) return clone
class _HistoSysBase(object): def SetHistoHigh(self, hist): super(_HistoSysBase, self).SetHistoHigh(hist) self.SetHistoNameHigh( keepalive(self, hist) def SetHistoLow(self, hist): super(_HistoSysBase, self).SetHistoLow(hist) self.SetHistoNameLow( keepalive(self, hist) def GetHistoHigh(self): hist = super(_HistoSysBase, self).GetHistoHigh() # NULL pointer check if hist == None: return None return asrootpy(hist) def GetHistoLow(self): hist = super(_HistoSysBase, self).GetHistoLow() # NULL pointer check if hist == None: return None return asrootpy(hist) @property def low(self): return self.GetHistoLow() @low.setter def low(self, h): self.SetHistoLow(h) @property def high(self): return self.GetHistoHigh() @high.setter def high(self, h): self.SetHistoHigh(h) @property def low_name(self): return self.GetHistoNameLow() @low_name.setter def low_name(self, name): self.SetHistoNameLow(name) @property def high_name(self): return self.GetHistoNameHigh() @high_name.setter def high_name(self, name): self.SetHistoNameHigh(name) @property def low_path(self): return self.GetHistoPathLow() @low_path.setter def low_path(self, path): self.SetHistoPathLow(path) @property def high_path(self): return self.GetHistoPathHigh() @high_path.setter def high_path(self, path): self.SetHistoPathHigh(path) @property def low_file(self): return self.GetInputFileLow() @low_file.setter def low_file(self, infile): self.SetInputFileLow(infile) @property def high_file(self): return self.GetInputFileHigh() @high_file.setter def high_file(self, infile): self.SetInputFileHigh(infile) def Clone(self): clone = self.__class__( low = self.low high = self.high if low is not None: clone.low = low.Clone(shallow=True) if high is not None: clone.high = high.Clone(shallow=True) clone.low_name = self.low_name clone.high_name = self.high_name clone.low_path = self.low_path clone.high_path = self.high_path clone.low_file = self.low_file clone.high_file = self.high_file return clone
[docs]class HistoSys(_Named, _HistoSysBase, HistFactory.HistoSys): _ROOT = HistFactory.HistoSys def __init__(self, name, low=None, high=None): # require a name super(HistoSys, self).__init__(name) if low is not None: self.low = low if high is not None: self.high = high def __add__(self, other): if != raise ValueError("attempting to add HistoSys with different names") histosys = HistoSys( low = self.low + other.low = '{0}_plus_{1}'.format(, histosys.low = low high = self.high + other.high = '{0}_plus_{1}'.format(, histosys.high = high return histosys
[docs]class HistoFactor(_Named, _HistoSysBase, HistFactory.HistoFactor): _ROOT = HistFactory.HistoFactor def __init__(self, name, low=None, high=None): # require a name super(HistoFactor, self).__init__(name) if low is not None: self.low = low if high is not None: self.high = high def __add__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError("HistoFactors cannot be summed")
[docs]class NormFactor(_Named, HistFactory.NormFactor): _ROOT = HistFactory.NormFactor def __init__(self, name, value=None, low=None, high=None, const=None): super(NormFactor, self).__init__() = name if value is not None: self.value = value if low is not None: self.low = low if high is not None: self.high = high if const is not None: self.const = const @property def const(self): return self.GetConst() @const.setter def const(self, value): self.SetConst(value) @property def value(self): return self.GetVal() @value.setter def value(self, value): self.SetVal(value) @property def low(self): return self.GetLow() @low.setter def low(self, value): self.SetLow(value) @property def high(self): return self.GetHigh() @high.setter def high(self, value): self.SetHigh(value) def Clone(self): return NormFactor(, value=self.value, low=self.low, high=self.high, const=self.const)
[docs]class OverallSys(_Named, HistFactory.OverallSys): _ROOT = HistFactory.OverallSys def __init__(self, name, low=None, high=None): # require a name super(OverallSys, self).__init__() = name if low is not None: self.low = low if high is not None: self.high = high @property def low(self): return self.GetLow() @low.setter def low(self, value): self.SetLow(value) @property def high(self): return self.GetHigh() @high.setter def high(self, value): self.SetHigh(value) def Clone(self): return OverallSys(, low=self.low, high=self.high)
[docs]class ShapeFactor(_Named, HistFactory.ShapeFactor): _ROOT = HistFactory.ShapeFactor def __init__(self, name): # require a name super(ShapeFactor, self).__init__() = name def Clone(self): return ShapeFactor(
[docs]class ShapeSys(_Named, _HistNamePathFile, HistFactory.ShapeSys): _ROOT = HistFactory.ShapeSys def __init__(self, name): # require a name super(ShapeSys, self).__init__() = name # ConstraintType not initialized correctly on C++ side # ROOT.RooStats.HistFactory.Constraint.Gaussian super(ShapeSys, self).SetConstraintType(Constraint.Gaussian) def SetConstraintType(self, value): _value = value.lower() if isinstance(value, string_types) else value if _value in (Constraint.Gaussian, 'gauss', 'gaussian'): super(ShapeSys, self).SetConstraintType(Constraint.Gaussian) elif _value in (Constraint.Poisson, 'pois', 'poisson'): super(ShapeSys, self).SetConstraintType(Constraint.Poisson) else: raise ValueError( "'{0}' is not a valid constraint".format(value)) @property def constraint(self): return super(ShapeSys, self).GetConstraintType() @constraint.setter def constraint(self, value): self.SetConstraintType(value) def GetErrorHist(self): hist = super(ShapeSys, self).GetErrorHist() # NULL pointer check if hist == None: return None return asrootpy(hist) def SetErrorHist(self, hist): super(ShapeSys, self).SetErrorHist(hist) self.SetHistoName( keepalive(self, hist) @property def hist(self): self.GetErrorHist() @hist.setter def hist(self, h): self.SetErrorHist(h) def Clone(self): clone = ShapeSys( hist = self.hist if hist is not None: clone.hist = hist.Clone(shallow=True) return clone
[docs]class Channel(_Named, HistFactory.Channel): _ROOT = HistFactory.Channel def __init__(self, name, samples=None, data=None, inputfile=""): # require a name super(Channel, self).__init__(name, inputfile) if samples is not None: for sample in samples: self.AddSample(sample) if data is not None: self.SetData(data) def __add__(self, other): channel = Channel('{0}_plus_{1}'.format(, channel.SetData( + samples1 = self.samples samples2 = other.samples if len(samples1) != len(samples2): raise ValueError( "attempting to add Channels containing differing numbers of " "Samples") for s1, s2 in zip(samples1, samples2): # samples must be compatible channel.AddSample(s1 + s2) channel.SetStatErrorConfig(self.GetStatErrorConfig()) return channel def __radd__(self, other): # support sum([list of Channels]) if other == 0: return self raise TypeError( "unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{0}' and '{1}'".format( other.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def sys_names(self): """ Return a list of unique systematic names from OverallSys and HistoSys """ names = [] for sample in self.samples: names.extend(sample.sys_names()) return list(set(names))
[docs] def sys_hist(self, name=None, where=None): """ Return the effective total low and high histogram for a given systematic over samples in this channel. If a sample does not contain the named systematic then its nominal histogram is used for both low and high variations. Parameters ---------- name : string, optional (default=None) The systematic name otherwise nominal if None where : callable, optional (default=None) A callable taking one argument: the sample, and returns True if this sample should be included in the total. Returns ------- total_low, total_high : histograms The total low and high histograms for this systematic """ total_low, total_high = None, None for sample in self.samples: if where is not None and not where(sample): continue low, high = sample.sys_hist(name) if total_low is None: total_low = low.Clone(shallow=True) else: total_low += low if total_high is None: total_high = high.Clone(shallow=True) else: total_high += high return total_low, total_high
def has_sample(self, name): for sample in self.samples: if == name: return True return False def has_sample_where(self, func): for sample in self.samples: if func(sample): return True return False
[docs] def total(self, where=None, xbin1=1, xbin2=-2): """ Return the total yield and its associated statistical and systematic uncertainties. """ nominal, _ = self.sys_hist(None, where=where) integral, stat_error = nominal.integral( xbin1=xbin1, xbin2=xbin2, error=True) ups = [0] dns = [0] for sys_name in self.sys_names(): low, high = self.sys_hist(sys_name, where=where) up = high.integral(xbin1=xbin1, xbin2=xbin2) - integral dn = low.integral(xbin1=xbin1, xbin2=xbin2) - integral if up > 0: ups.append(up**2) else: dns.append(up**2) if dn > 0: ups.append(dn**2) else: dns.append(dn**2) syst_error = (sqrt(sum(ups)), sqrt(sum(dns))) return integral, stat_error, syst_error
def SetData(self, data): super(Channel, self).SetData(data) if isinstance(data, ROOT.TH1): keepalive(self, data) def GetData(self): return asrootpy(super(Channel, self).GetData()) @property def data(self): return self.GetData() @data.setter def data(self, d): self.SetData(d) def AddSample(self, sample): super(Channel, self).AddSample(sample) keepalive(self, sample) def RemoveSample(self, name): sample_vect = super(Channel, self).GetSamples() ivect = sample_vect.begin() for sample in sample_vect: if sample.GetName() == name: sample_vect.erase(ivect) break ivect.__preinc__() def GetSample(self, name): samples = super(Channel, self).GetSamples() for sample in samples: if sample.GetName() == name: return asrootpy(sample) return None def GetSamples(self): return [asrootpy(s) for s in super(Channel, self).GetSamples()] def AddAdditionalData(self, data): super(Channel, self).AddAdditionalData(data) keepalive(self, data) def GetAdditionalData(self): return [asrootpy(d) for d in super(Channel, self).GetAdditionalData()] @property def samples(self): return self.GetSamples() @property def additional_data(self): return self.GetAdditionalData() @property def hist_path(self): return self.GetHistoPath() @hist_path.setter def hist_path(self, path): self.SetHistoPath(path) @property def hist_file(self): return self.GetInputFile() @hist_file.setter def hist_file(self, infile): self.SetInputFile(infile)
[docs] def apply_snapshot(self, argset): """ Create a clone of this Channel where histograms are modified according to the values of the nuisance parameters in the snapshot. This is useful when creating post-fit distribution plots. Parameters ---------- argset : RooArtSet A RooArgSet of RooRealVar nuisance parameters Returns ------- channel : Channel The modified channel """ clone = self.Clone() args = [var for var in argset if not ('binWidth_obs_x_') or'gamma_stat') or'nom_'))] # handle NormFactors first nargs = [] for var in args: is_norm = False name ='alpha_', '') for sample in clone.samples: if sample.GetNormFactor(name) is not None:"applying snapshot of {0} on sample {1}".format( name, is_norm = True # scale the entire sample sample *= var.value # add an OverallSys for the error osys = OverallSys(name, low=1. - var.error / var.value, high=1. + var.error / var.value) sample.AddOverallSys(osys) # remove the NormFactor sample.RemoveNormFactor(name) if not is_norm: nargs.append(var) # modify the nominal shape and systematics for sample in clone.samples: # check that hist is not NULL if sample.hist is None: raise RuntimeError( "sample {0} does not have a " "nominal histogram".format( nominal = sample.hist.Clone(shallow=True) for var in nargs: name ='alpha_', '') if not sample.has_sys(name): continue"applying snapshot of {0} on sample {1}".format( name, low, high = sample.sys_hist(name) # modify nominal val = var.value if val > 0: sample.hist += (high - nominal) * val elif val < 0: sample.hist += (nominal - low) * val # TODO: # modify OverallSys # modify HistoSys return clone
def Clone(self): clone = Channel( data = if data: = data.Clone() for sample in self.samples: clone.AddSample(sample.Clone()) clone.hist_path = self.hist_path clone.hist_file = self.hist_file return clone def __iter__(self): for sample in super(Channel, self).GetSamples(): yield asrootpy(sample) def __len__(self): return len(super(Channel, self).GetSamples())
[docs]class Measurement(NamedObject, HistFactory.Measurement): _ROOT = HistFactory.Measurement def __init__(self, name, channels=None, title=""): # require a name super(Measurement, self).__init__(name=name, title=title) self.SetExportOnly(True) if channels is not None: for channel in channels: self.AddChannel(channel) @property def lumi(self): return self.GetLumi() @lumi.setter def lumi(self, l): self.SetLumi(l) @property def lumi_rel_error(self): return self.GetLumiRelErr() @lumi_rel_error.setter def lumi_rel_error(self, err): self.SetLumiRelErr(err) @property def poi(self): return list(self.GetPOIList()) @poi.setter def poi(self, p): # this also adds a new POI so calling this multiple times will add # multiple POIs self.SetPOI(p) def AddChannel(self, channel): super(Measurement, self).AddChannel(channel) keepalive(self, channel) def RemoveChannel(self, name): channel_vect = super(Measurement, self).GetChannels() ivect = channel_vect.begin() for channel in channel_vect: if channel.GetName() == name: channel_vect.erase(ivect) break ivect.__preinc__() def GetChannel(self, name): channels = super(Measurement, self).GetChannels() for channel in channels: if channel.GetName() == name: return asrootpy(channel) return None def GetChannels(self): return [asrootpy(c) for c in super(Measurement, self).GetChannels()] @property def channels(self): return self.GetChannels() def GetConstantParams(self): return list(super(Measurement, self).GetConstantParams()) @property def const_params(self): return self.GetConstantParams() def Clone(self): clone = Measurement(, self.title) clone.lumi = self.lumi clone.lumi_rel_error = self.lumi_rel_error for channel in self.channels: clone.AddChannel(channel.Clone()) for poi in self.GetPOIList(): clone.AddPOI(poi) for const_param in self.const_params: clone.AddConstantParam(const_param) return clone def __iter__(self): for channel in super(Measurement, self).GetChannels(): yield asrootpy(channel) def __len__(self): return len(super(Measurement, self).GetChannels())