Source code for rootpy.root2hdf5

This module handles conversion of ROOT's TFile and
contained TTrees into HDF5 format with PyTables
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import sys
import warnings
from pkg_resources import parse_version

import tables
TABLES_NEW_API = parse_version(tables.__version__) >= parse_version('3')
    tables_open = tables.open_file
    tables_open = tables.openFile

from root_numpy import tree2array, RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning
from numpy.lib import recfunctions

from .io import root_open, TemporaryFile
from . import log; log = log[__name__]
from .extern.progressbar import ProgressBar, Bar, ETA, Percentage
from .extern.six import string_types
from .logger.utils import check_tty

from . import QROOT

__all__ = [

def _drop_object_col(rec, warn=True):
    # ignore columns of type `object` since PyTables does not support these
    if rec.dtype.hasobject:
        object_fields = []
        fields = rec.dtype.fields
        for name in rec.dtype.names:
            if fields[name][0].kind == 'O':
                if warn:
                        "ignoring unsupported object branch '{0}'".format(
        # NumPy 1.7.1: TypeError: Cannot change data-type for object array.
        #return rec[non_object_fields]
        if object_fields:
            rec = recfunctions.rec_drop_fields(rec, object_fields)
    return rec

def tree2hdf5(tree, hfile, group=None,
              entries=-1, show_progress=False, **kwargs):
    Convert a TTree into a HDF5 table.


    tree : ROOT.TTree
        A ROOT TTree.

    hfile : string or PyTables HDF5 File
        A PyTables HDF5 File handle or string path to an existing HDF5 file.

    group : string or PyTables Group instance, optional (default=None)
        Write the table at this location in the HDF5 file.

    entries : int, optional (default=-1)
        The number of entries to read at once while converting a ROOT TTree
        into an HDF5 table. By default read the entire TTree into memory (this
        may not be desired if your TTrees are large).

    show_progress : bool, optional (default=False)
        If True, then display and update a progress bar on stdout as the TTree
        is converted.

    kwargs : dict, optional
        Additional keyword arguments for the tree2array function.

    show_progress = show_progress and check_tty(sys.stdout)
    if show_progress:
        widgets = [Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()]

    own_h5file = False
    if isinstance(hfile, string_types):
        hfile = tables_open(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data")
        own_h5file = True"Converting tree '{0}' with {1:d} entries ...".format(

    if not group:
        group = hfile.root
    elif isinstance(group, string_types):
        group_where = '/' + os.path.dirname(group)
        group_name = os.path.basename(group)
        if TABLES_NEW_API:
            group = hfile.create_group(group_where, group_name,
            group = hfile.createGroup(group_where, group_name)

    if tree.GetName() in group:
            "Tree '{0}' already exists "
            "in the output file".format(tree.GetName()))

    total_entries = tree.GetEntries()
    pbar = None
    if show_progress and total_entries > 0:
        pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_entries)

    if entries <= 0:
        # read the entire tree
        if pbar is not None:
        array = tree2array(tree, **kwargs)
        array = _drop_object_col(array)
        if TABLES_NEW_API:
            table = hfile.create_table(
                group, tree.GetName(),
                array, tree.GetTitle())
            table = hfile.createTable(
                group, tree.GetName(),
                array, tree.GetTitle())
        # flush data in the table
        # flush all pending data
        # read the tree in chunks
        start = 0
        while start < total_entries or start == 0:
            if start > 0:
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    array = tree2array(
                        stop=start + entries,
                array = _drop_object_col(array, warn=False)
                array = tree2array(
                    stop=start + entries,
                array = _drop_object_col(array)
                if pbar is not None:
                    # start after any output from root_numpy
                if TABLES_NEW_API:
                    table = hfile.create_table(
                        group, tree.GetName(),
                        array, tree.GetTitle())
                    table = hfile.createTable(
                        group, tree.GetName(),
                        array, tree.GetTitle())
            start += entries
            if start <= total_entries and pbar is not None:
            # flush data in the table
            # flush all pending data

    if pbar is not None:

    if own_h5file:

[docs]def root2hdf5(rfile, hfile, rpath='', entries=-1, userfunc=None, show_progress=False, ignore_exception=False, **kwargs): """ Convert all trees in a ROOT file into tables in an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- rfile : string or asrootpy'd ROOT File A ROOT File handle or string path to an existing ROOT file. hfile : string or PyTables HDF5 File A PyTables HDF5 File handle or string path to an existing HDF5 file. rpath : string, optional (default='') Top level path to begin traversal through the ROOT file. By default convert everything in and below the root directory. entries : int, optional (default=-1) The number of entries to read at once while converting a ROOT TTree into an HDF5 table. By default read the entire TTree into memory (this may not be desired if your TTrees are large). userfunc : callable, optional (default=None) A function that will be called on every tree and that must return a tree or list of trees that will be converted instead of the original tree. show_progress : bool, optional (default=False) If True, then display and update a progress bar on stdout as each tree is converted. ignore_exception : bool, optional (default=False) If True, then ignore exceptions raised in converting trees and instead skip such trees. kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments for the tree2array function. """ own_rootfile = False if isinstance(rfile, string_types): rfile = root_open(rfile) own_rootfile = True own_h5file = False if isinstance(hfile, string_types): hfile = tables_open(filename=hfile, mode="w", title="Data") own_h5file = True for dirpath, dirnames, treenames in rfile.walk( rpath, class_ref=QROOT.TTree): # skip directories w/o trees if not treenames: continue treenames.sort() group_where = '/' + os.path.dirname(dirpath) group_name = os.path.basename(dirpath) if not group_name: group = hfile.root elif TABLES_NEW_API: group = hfile.create_group(group_where, group_name, createparents=True) else: group = hfile.createGroup(group_where, group_name) ntrees = len(treenames) "Will convert {0:d} tree{1} in {2}".format( ntrees, 's' if ntrees != 1 else '', os.path.join(group_where, group_name))) for treename in treenames: input_tree = rfile.Get(os.path.join(dirpath, treename)) if userfunc is not None: tmp_file = TemporaryFile() # call user-defined function on tree and get output trees"Calling user function on tree '{0}'".format( input_tree.GetName())) trees = userfunc(input_tree) if not isinstance(trees, list): trees = [trees] else: trees = [input_tree] tmp_file = None for tree in trees: try: tree2hdf5(tree, hfile, group=group, entries=entries, show_progress=show_progress, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if ignore_exception: log.error("Failed to convert tree '{0}': {1}".format( tree.GetName(), str(e))) else: raise input_tree.Delete() if userfunc is not None: for tree in trees: tree.Delete() tmp_file.Close() if own_h5file: hfile.close() if own_rootfile: rfile.Close()
def main(): import rootpy from rootpy.extern.argparse import ( ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, RawTextHelpFormatter) class formatter_class(ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, RawTextHelpFormatter): pass parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=formatter_class, description="Convert ROOT files containing TTrees into HDF5 files " "containing HDF5 tables") parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=rootpy.__version__, help="show the version number and exit") parser.add_argument('-n', '--entries', type=int, default=100000, help="number of entries to read at once") parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help="overwrite existing output files") parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', action='store_true', default=False, help="update existing output files") parser.add_argument('--ext', default='h5', help="output file extension") parser.add_argument('-c', '--complevel', type=int, default=5, choices=range(0, 10), help="compression level") parser.add_argument('-l', '--complib', default='zlib', choices=('zlib', 'lzo', 'bzip2', 'blosc'), help="compression algorithm") parser.add_argument('-s', '--selection', default=None, help="apply a selection on each " "tree with a cut expression") parser.add_argument( '--script', default=None, help="Python script containing a function with the same name \n" "that will be called on each tree and must return a tree or \n" "list of trees that will be converted instead of the \n" "original tree") parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help="suppress all warnings") parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help="show stack trace in the event of " "an uncaught exception") parser.add_argument('--no-progress-bar', action='store_true', default=False, help="do not show the progress bar") parser.add_argument('--ignore-exception', action='store_true', default=False, help="ignore exceptions raised in converting trees " "and instead skip such trees") parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+') args = parser.parse_args() import logging if hasattr(logging, 'captureWarnings'): logging.captureWarnings(True) def formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None): return "{0}: {1}".format(category.__name__, message) warnings.formatwarning = formatwarning args.ext = args.ext.strip('.') if args.quiet: warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", RootNumpyUnconvertibleWarning) warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", tables.NaturalNameWarning) userfunc = None if args.script is not None: # get user-defined function try: exec(compile(open(args.script).read(), args.script, 'exec'), globals(), locals()) except IOError: sys.exit('Could not open script {0}'.format(args.script)) funcname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.script))[0] try: userfunc = locals()[funcname] except KeyError: sys.exit( "Could not find the function '{0}' in the script {1}".format( funcname, args.script)) for inputname in args.files: outputname = os.path.splitext(inputname)[0] + '.' + args.ext output_exists = os.path.exists(outputname) if output_exists and not (args.force or args.update): sys.exit( "Output {0} already exists. " "Use the --force option to overwrite it".format(outputname)) try: rootfile = root_open(inputname) except IOError: sys.exit("Could not open {0}".format(inputname)) try: if args.complevel > 0: filters = tables.Filters(complib=args.complib, complevel=args.complevel) else: filters = None hd5file = tables_open(filename=outputname, mode='a' if args.update else 'w', title='Data', filters=filters) except IOError: sys.exit("Could not create {0}".format(outputname)) try:"Converting {0} ...".format(inputname)) root2hdf5(rootfile, hd5file, entries=args.entries, userfunc=userfunc, selection=args.selection, show_progress=not args.no_progress_bar, ignore_exception=args.ignore_exception)"{0} {1}".format( "Updated" if output_exists and args.update else "Created", outputname)) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Caught Ctrl-c ... cleaning up") hd5file.close() rootfile.Close() if not output_exists:"Removing {0}".format(outputname)) os.unlink(outputname) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: if args.debug: # If in debug mode show full stack trace import traceback traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info()) log.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) finally: hd5file.close() rootfile.Close()