Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import

import ROOT

from ... import log; log = log[__name__]
from ... import asrootpy, QROOT
from ...base import Object
from ...extern.six import string_types

__all__ = [

def _kwargs_to_name(name, **kwargs):
    if not kwargs:
        return name.upper()
    return '{0}({1})'.format(name.upper(), ', '.join([
        '='.join(map(str, item))
            for item in sorted(kwargs.items())]))

[docs]def get_style(name, mpl=False, **kwargs): if mpl: try: module = __import__( '{0}.style_mpl'.format(name.lower()), globals(), locals(), ['STYLE'], 0) style_func = getattr(module, 'style_mpl') except (ImportError, AttributeError): raise ValueError( "matplotlib style '{0}' is not defined".format(name)) style = style_func(**kwargs) else: # is the style already created? for s in ROOT.gROOT.GetListOfStyles(): # make search case-insensitive if s.GetName().lower() == name.lower(): return asrootpy(s) # if not then attempt to locate it in rootpy try: module = __import__( '{0}.style'.format(name.lower()), globals(), locals(), ['style'], 0) style_func = getattr(module, 'style') except (ImportError, AttributeError): raise ValueError( "ROOT style '{0}' is not defined".format(name)) name = _kwargs_to_name(name, **kwargs) style = style_func(name, **kwargs) return style
[docs]def set_style(style, mpl=False, **kwargs): """ If mpl is False accept either style name or a TStyle instance. If mpl is True accept either style name or a matplotlib.rcParams-like dictionary """ if mpl: import matplotlib as mpl style_dictionary = {} if isinstance(style, string_types): style_dictionary = get_style(style, mpl=True, **kwargs)"using matplotlib style '{0}'".format(style)) elif isinstance(style, dict): style_dictionary = style"using user-defined matplotlib style") else: raise TypeError("style must be a matplotlib style name or dict") for k, v in style_dictionary.items(): mpl.rcParams[k] = v else: if isinstance(style, string_types): style = get_style(style, **kwargs)"using ROOT style '{0}'".format(style.GetName()))
[docs]class Style(Object, QROOT.TStyle): _ROOT = QROOT.TStyle def __enter__(self): set_style(self) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): return False