Source code for rootpy.matrix

from __future__ import absolute_import

from . import QROOT
from .extern.six.moves import range

__all__ = [

class _MatrixBase(object):

    def __getitem__(self, loc):
        if isinstance(loc, tuple):
            i, j = loc
            return self(i, j)
        return super(_MatrixBase, self).__getitem__(loc)

    def __setitem__(self, loc, value):
        if isinstance(loc, tuple):
            i, j = loc
            # this is slow due to creation of temporaries
            self[i][j] = value
        return super(_MatrixBase, self).__setitem__(loc, value)

    def to_numpy(self):
        Convert this matrix into a
        `numpy.matrix <>`_.
        import numpy as np
        cols, rows = self.GetNcols(), self.GetNrows()
        return np.matrix([[self(i, j)
            for j in range(cols)]
            for i in range(rows)])

[docs]class Matrix(_MatrixBase): """ A factory of subclasses of the template class `ROOT.TMatrixT <>`_. Parameters ---------- type : string, optional (default='float') The type of the matrix elements. """ @classmethod def dynamic_cls(cls, type='float'): class Matrix(_MatrixBase, QROOT.TMatrixT(type)): _ROOT = QROOT.TMatrixT(type) return Matrix def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): type = kwargs.pop('type', 'float') return cls.dynamic_cls(type)(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SymmetricMatrix(Matrix): """ A factory of subclasses of the template class `ROOT.TMatrixTSym <>`_. Parameters ---------- type : string, optional (default='float') The type of the matrix elements. """ @classmethod def dynamic_cls(cls, type='float'): class SymmetricMatrix(_MatrixBase, QROOT.TMatrixTSym(type)): _ROOT = QROOT.TMatrixTSym(type) return SymmetricMatrix